Ø Grace that offers compassion. When the other person is weak. Sometimes I was too
tired to see straight. Or even talk sweet. He overlooked that snap
because he knew I wasn’t “myself” from fatigue and worry. And I tried to
do the same for him.
Ø Grace that doesn’t keep a grudge. He said things that hurt my feelings or made me feel
like he didn’t really understand. He let me down and didn’t always hold up. And
it was the same here. But we knew we needed to let it go and not
let bitterness settle in.
Ø Grace that goes the extra mile. At times each of us had to give more than we had—and
certainly more than “our fair share”. We couldn’t keep records or simply take
turns. We had to learn to give . . . and then give some more.
Ø Grace that accepts the gift of others. Grace also comes in the form of support from
friends and family. We can’t do this by ourselves, but recognize that we are
needy. We are part of the body of Christ for a reason and were never meant to
walk alone.
that doesn’t give up. No
matter how dark some days were – and especially the nights – we refused to give
up. We believed God had us in His hands, even when the situation seemed
impossible. You are in those same loving Hands.