Thursday, 19 June 2014

40 Signs to Identify True Love

Is it True Love?

The tender affection that love brings has a way of encompassing everything. It takes you away into oblivion and keeps you wanting more. True love is always willing to last forevermore.
But every relationship endures highs and lows. That’s just the way that love goes. However, if it causes heartbreak and pain, then it may be fooling you.
 Here are fourty reasons why:

1. You’re comfortable with each other, no matter what others say or do.
2. Plans are made and kept, or the excuse is true.
3. Time is always planned and reserved just for you.
4. Your needs are a top priority over most people and things.
5. Begging or pleading is not required for affection.
6. Family, friends and work don’t compare to you.
7. Love stands up for you any time there is trouble.
8. Attention and awareness is freely given, and faults are ignored or quickly forgiven.
9. There are no secrets regarding your relationship and it’s good companionship.
10. You’re not left lonely or alone.
11. Good surprises, gifts of laughter and togetherness often arise.
12. You will always be welcomed in your lover’s company.
13. No other lover exists in the mind of your partner. There is no competition.
14. There is constant and consistent contact.
15. Love is not one-sided. If it is, or feels that way, then it’s likely unrequited.
16. Sharing is open, honest and without hesitation.
17. Your lover seeks to understand your problems and frustrations.
18. You are worth more than the cost of anything they could buy.
19. There are answers to your questions of where, when, how, or why.
20. No one walks away without a plan to return.
21. What your family and friends think does not impact your relationship.
22. You find comfort and clarity in your respective roles, and they make you feel whole.
23. Love doesn’t need to be chased, as it is easily found.
24. Your lifestyle doesn’t get in the way of a love which has no bounds.
25. It’s easy to forgive, forget and move on when something goes wrong.
26. You don’t have to buy anything to make someone happy or feel strong.
27. Mind, body and soul are appreciated and respected.
28. The relationship is worthy of safety and protection.
29. There is a deep and profound connection.
30. “I Love You” is easy to say when other words fail or get in the way.

31.    Connection: “My intention is to create a deeper connection and understanding between us...” Great words to use, especially in sensitive conversations. When we each have the intention to connect to our partners, rather than competing or furthering our own agenda, we can move mountains together. Holding the intention of connection is truly one of the characteristics of true love. Challenging conversations are softened, breakthroughs are made, and compromises are found— with true love intact.

32.   Comfort: “I feel as if I've known you forever...” These are sticky romantic words if they're said without heart, but to those who have really felt this type of inexplicable comfort or ease in another's presence, not only on the first date, but years later, it's definitely one of the characteristics of true love. What the comfort means is that our energy bodies are compatible, co-existing in our lives and our beds, in a way that feeds each of us, instead of draining. Karmically, there's likely a past life love, too...

33.  Collaboration: “Sweetheart, I am not the enemy.” We may want the same things, but sometimes ego-driven power struggles and unconscious defense mechanisms can get in the way. We're human after all! One of the characteristics of true love is treating each other as partners who seek ways to collaborate and cooperate in a win-win manner, rather than powering over one another and focusing on the sapping ‘win-lose’ energy of getting our own way. Cooperation is also one of the hallmarks of soul mates.

34.  Resolution: How do you handle relationship conflict? Is it one endless power struggle after another? Do you fight fair? Are you both able to display anger in a way that doesn't cut the other off at the knees? One of the characteristics of true love is resolving conflict in a way that's truthful, without resorting to righteous blame or personal character attacks. Not to say that it's fun — or easy. But in the end, conflict is expressed and resolved quickly and cleanly, clearing the air... so that you can get on with true love.

35.  Giving and receiving: The only match for someone who does not know how to receive, is someone who does not know how to give.

Read that again — slowly. Where do you fit? Where does your sweetie? I've left one of the most important characteristics of true love to the last: two people who both have the ability to give and receive in a relationship, creating equality, fairness and balance.

36.  True Love Is Patient: Patient means to be longsuffering, slow to anger, slow to punish   Patient with those who need to grow
Patient with the imperfections of others
Patient when mistakes are made.
37.  True Love Is Kind: Kindness means Carrying out acts that demonstrate loving kindness
Love seeks ways to demonstrate itself.
Love goes beyond what is “expected”.
38.  True Love Defends: Love does not attack, but defends. Love attempts to protect and defend.
39.  True Love Trusts: Trust means assuming the best about Someone, not the worst.
40. True Love Believes And Commits: Love Produces Strong commitment.

I’ve been in love, and I’ve also been fooled. You’re the only one who can determine what’s happening to you. If you find this list makes sense, then it’s likely you’ve experienced love. There are many things I could add, but most of us can recognize when a relationship is going nowhere or has turned bad. Unrequited love does offer hope, as it gives us the reason and means to cope. There’s someone for everyone, so never allow your hope to come undone. Just when you least expect it, I am certain you’ll find the one. In the meantime, let your mind be at ease. Live your life just as you please. If a love doesn’t work out, then remember it’s not all that your life is about. Count your blessings each given day and happily wait until true love finds its way.

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