Saturday 6 October 2018


Maybe there’s no easy formula, but here are 12 simple things that can help bring peace into your home:

  1. Speak kindly. It’s amazing how a little kindness goes a long way to setting the tone for the home.
  2.  Gather regularly. For meals. For prayer. To simply hang out with each other. Enjoy your togetherness.
  3. Laugh readily. Joke and play. Be ready to have a good time with one another. Lighten one another’s load with a good laugh.
  4. Work cheerfully. It seems there’s always a job to be done. So why not make the most of it? Do all things without complaining and disputing. (Phil. 2:14).
  5. Give generously. Of your time and your possessions. The home is a place full of all kinds of giving opportunities.
  6. Apologize humbly. Just say you’re sorry and ask forgivenes. Pride has no place in a peaceful home.
  7. Forgive quickly. Don’t waste time nursing a grudge. Let it go right away and get on with a loving relationship.
  8. Hug freely. Give your little ones a squeeze. Wrap your arms around your big kids. Your spouse could probably use one too!
  9. Pray frequently. Ask God to bring peace into your home. Lift up the needs of the day. Seek Him for wisdom when you’re stumped (or even when you’re not).
  10. Stand firmly. Stand up for each other. Stand up for what’s right. Stand strong.
  11. Cheer loudly. Let your family know you’re behind them. All the way. Offer your enthusiastic support. Who doesn’t need to hear a warm cheer now and then?
  12. Love genuinely. Seems obvious, I know. But sometimes we forget how powerful love can be in our home. And above all things have fervent love for one another, for ‘”love will cover a multitude of sins.’” (I Pet. 4:8)

Wednesday 18 February 2015

The Power of Grace to Hold Your Marriage/Relationship Together

Ø Grace that offers compassion. When the other person is weak. Sometimes I was too tired to see straight. Or even talk sweet.  He overlooked that snap because he knew I wasn’t “myself” from fatigue and worry.  And I tried to do the same for him.

Ø Grace that doesn’t keep a grudge. He said things that hurt my feelings or made me feel like he didn’t really understand. He let me down and didn’t always hold up. And it was the same here. But we knew we needed to let it go and not let bitterness settle in.

Ø Grace that goes the extra mile. At times each of us had to give more than we had—and certainly more than “our fair share”. We couldn’t keep records or simply take turns. We had to learn to give . . . and then give some more.

Ø Grace that accepts the gift of others.  Grace also comes in the form of support from friends and family. We can’t do this by ourselves, but recognize that we are needy. We are part of the body of Christ for a reason and were never meant to walk alone.

Ø  Grace that doesn’t give up.  No matter how dark some days were – and especially the nights – we refused to give up. We believed God had us in His hands, even when the situation seemed impossible. You are in those same loving Hands.

Those 7 Things That Never Change in a Healthy, Loving Marriage/Relationship.

1.     The Need for Communication. No matter how many years you’ve been married, good communication is essential to a strong marriage. So don’t stop talking, whatever you do. And don’t limit it to talking, but express your love for each other in all kinds of other ways too. Sometimes the simple gesture of making his lunch says far more than words.

2.     The Commitment to Closeness. You don’t grow close by the mere fact that you live in the same house. For the rest of your lives together, you’ll want to seek each other out. You have to make time for one another. Pull away from the world and pull in together.

3.    The Offering of Forgiveness. The need to forgive never goes away. Sometimes I wish it did.

4.     The Desire for Touch. Touch is so powerful. So keep touching each other forever and always.

5.     The Determination to Work It Out. You’re tired. You’re discouraged. It doesn’t seem like it’s going anywhere. Don’t give up. Whatever you do. Stay in the game and work it out, even if it takes a very long time and an heroic effort you don’t feel you have to give.

6.    The Pledge to Stay Together. Those marriage vows meant something real and the two of you are sticking together – no matter what. Through the good times and the hard times. A sacred trust you’ve both pledged to keep.

7.     The Promise to Love One Another. Love is mostly made up of those little choices that you make every single day. This is a selfless love that puts the other person first. Day after day. This is the meaning behind our promise when we said, “I love you”.

Lastly, and most importantly, no matter what changes come into your lives, we can count on our God who remains the same.  He is our perfect Father without variation or shadow. He is unchanging and the faithful foundation of our love.

So whatever changes you are facing in your marriage or relationship, you can be assured that your Heavenly Father is the same. Yesterday, today, and forever.

How Do Two People Think and Act as One?

We don’t lead private lives. There’s no such thing as “his” life and “mine”. We belong to each other and so there are no secrets or hidden things. We have a basic knowledge where the other person is at all times. We share with each other what we’ve been thinking about, who we’ve been talking to, and what is on our heart.

Unity means being completely open with one another.
You and your Spouse shouldn’t make independent decisions. You should make all major decisions together and run most minor decisions by the other person.

Unity means making your decisions together.
We stand together as one. You should always remind each other ,“You and I are on the inside. Everyone else is looking in from the outside.” What this means is that we are protective of our unity and don’t allow anyone – not family or friends – to try and divide us. Staying unified can be challenging enough without the added stress of others pulling us apart.

Unity means being fiercely loyal to each other.

Unity means communicating your togetherness.

Monday 25 August 2014

You Married a Sinner Not an Angel {& 3 Ways to Keep the Joy and Unity} 3 Ways to Keep the Joy and Unity in your Marriage.

Be a Confessor
Know your sin. Be honest with yourself about your weaknesses and struggles. Be willing to admit when you mess up, when you fail, when you sin and repent. Repent before God, but repent before your spouse as well. Make apologies when needed without excuses or explanations.

Be a Forgiver
In marriage we will be sinned against. We have all experienced this and it is our job to be forgivers. Jesus told Peter to forgive 70 x7 times (Matt. 18:22 ), meaning infinitely. Why? because we have been forgiven. We have sinned against Christ more than any person will ever sin against us and he has forgiven each sin. We continue to sin against Christ and he continues to extend mercy, grace and forgiveness. Marriage is the perfect vehicle through which we can imitate God and live out the forgiveness we have been given by extending such grace to each other.

Be an Encourager
One of the blessings of being married is that you are not alone. Your partner is there to walk with you through all of life, and they need you and your words of grace as much as you need theirs. As a Christian this is not our real home, we are passing through and the journey is hard. We must learn to speak words of kindness and encouragement to our spouses because these words blossom into motivation and earnestness as we fight sin together in order to bring honor to our Savior.

Marriage is one of the most beautiful relationships on earth, but it is also one of the hardest.
Thankfully God is with us and for us, he will give us the strength and grace we need to handle hard days. The spirit will convict us of sins that we need to weed out and eradicate, and Christ has extended forgiveness to his children so we do not need to wallow in guit and sin, but can find joy and excitement to live for his glory together

6 Ways to Bring Lust Back Into Your Relationship

When the newness of a committed relationship wears off, we often get stuck in monotony. Couples may find that they go to the same restaurants, watch the same movies, walk through the same park, or take the same family trips every year. They may even have the same robotic sex in the bedroom. Eventually, you both grow tired and bored in your relationship—and consequently, you slowly drift apart.
But your relationship doesn't have to be another statistic! You can reignite the passion in your relationship today by incorporating these ideas into your daily routine:

Make Them Notice You
No one enjoys the same thing over and over again. You can regain their attention by making a small physical change that will catch their eye (as long as it's something you want, too!). For example, change your hair style, go from flats to heels, wear a sexier-than-usual dress to dinner, or wear red lipstick. Just do something totally out of the ordinary that'll be exciting for both of you. 

Keep (Little) Secrets
It's not necessary that you share every single little detail of your day at the office or at home. Obviously tell them what they need to know, but leave a little mystery to spark their curiosity. 

Surprise Them
Do something sweet and out-of-the-blue—like surprise them with tickets to a concert or make their favorite dessert. The more thought, time, effort, and creativity you put into it, the bigger the payoff later. You may just get a surprise of your own in return!

Treat Them as You Want to be Treated
Think about whatever makes you feel nurtured and cared for. If you would appreciate a back massage, a hot bath, or having your laundry folded, then do it for them. Chances are, they'll get the idea and do the same for you.

Get Your Sexy On
Anticipation and passion go hand-in-hand. If you are ready to get it on, shoot them a sexy text. There is nothing more erotic than receiving a hot message from your partner in the middle of the workday. And the language can be as naughty as you dare. 

Think Outside the Box
Most people would love to experience something new during sex, but they fear failure or "taking it too far." You can excite them by introducing a new toy, a flavored or heated lubricant, a scented massage candle, or any other new and creative idea. This will give you total control and leave you open to tease all of their senses.